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What is Financial Well being?

Financial Well Being is that state of being wherein a person is making the most efficient use of his financial resources and in a position to absorb any financial shocks, is on track for meeting current & future financial goals and has a feeling of peace & satisfaction about his financial position.

Simplified form

Those who made efficient use of his assets (Equity, Debt, Real estate ,Gold etc) and can absorb any sudden financial shocks(Job loss, out of pocket medical expenses ,demise of earning bread winner of the family etc) and also on track for his current & future financial goals( Home buying, car buying, children higher education/marriage expenses, Retirement/Pension income etc) with sense of peace & satisfaction of his financial position.

Hope it make sense for you..I will share more actions in a simplified manner (common person can understand) in next weeks how one can plan for better financial well being. That is what it matters to most of us in the end :-)